Error with PHaVer while running Prohver
Running prohver with the current version it runs into an issue while running PHAVer. Running any model using the prohver command will result in the unexplicit error: "Error running PHAVer", as shown in this stack trace:
" modest prohver "C:/Users/laure/OneDrive-UniversiteitTwente/Documents/Laurens_studie/Master/Final Project/toolset/Models/hybrid/watertank.modest" -E T_MAX=10 4
watertank.modest: info: Found PHAVer at "C:\Users\laure\OneDrive-UniversiteitTwente\Documents\Laurens_studie\Master\Final Project\toolset\modest\phaver-64". watertank.modest: error: Error running PHAVer "
This error seems to be a catch-all when something has gone wrong that is not previously caught, thrown in line 1183 in 'PhaverAnalysisEngine.cs'. Diving in the debugger shows that something has gone wrong as the stdOut seems to be empty, but I don't know what exactly causes this.
This error happens for every model I have tried