Intermediate Probabilities Completely Fill Console
When calculating the 'P_MWinMax` property from 'bitcoin-attack.modest', the command line interface completely fills up with all 10.000 intermediate probabilities. We probably do not want to show all intermediate probabilities when the user does not specifically ask for this.
An idea could print the first and last 100 probabilities, with a message accompanying the output stating that to get all intermediate probabilities the '-D' parameter should be added.
P_MWinMax = Pmax(<>[S(round)<=10000] (m_len >= CD && m_diff > 0)); the following property completely fills up
(3022, 0.288204053592764), (3023, 0.288284334303679), (3024, 0.288364605960044),
(3025, 0.288444868562878), (3026, 0.288525122113205), (3027, 0.288605366612044),
(3028, 0.288685602060416), (3029, 0.288765828459343), (3030, 0.288846045809844),
(3031, 0.288926254112941), (3032, 0.289006453369653), (3033, 0.289086643581002),
(9993, 0.675750001988019), (9994, 0.675786572890798), (9995, 0.675823139668887),
(9996, 0.67585970232275), (9997, 0.675896260852853), (9998, 0.67593281525966),
(9999, 0.675969365543638), (10000, 0.67600591170525)
Time: 0.3 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 29996
Time: 0.2 s
PS C:\Users\Gebruiker\Documents\Werk\Modest\GitLab\toolset\Binaries\Release>