Implement FileEdit page in react
The fileEdit page, core of the pseuCo project, will soon be ready to be merged into the react
branch. Please help find some undesired behaviour that is currently flying under the radar.
Issues that I am aware of, which should be addressed, partially in the future, include:
CPNEditor is taking a long time to load, doing some computation needlessly often -
CPNEditor is ignoring (not displaying) the highlightedStateCallback called by the LTS -
Only a single action button in the FileEdit action is implemented. The others follow eventually -
EditorManager is ignoring dragEvents (of eg. a touch screen) when dragging separators adjacient a CPNEditor -
EditorManager is no longer supporting the fullscreen and embed features
Find more issues in todo.txt. Please help review the relevant files and assure project quality before merging @fefrei.
Edited by Dominic Zimmer